3 Full Box Lot Of Kentucky Geodes-all Rattlers
The rattlers will be between 1" TO 4" AND TOGETHER THE 3 BOXES WEIGH ABOUT 55-60 LBS!! There are 3 boxes with 20-30 per box depending on the sizes! Total of between 60-90 rattling geodes in the 3 box lot!
They are filled with various mineral deposits, often small quartz crystals! They were formed hundreds of millions of years ago and are often found in context with crinoid and other neat fossils! They vary in size with the largest at least as big as 122 lbs. And no doubt much larger! The hollow ones sometimes "rattle"-This is caused by the detached minerals inside and they each will have a unique rattle as only nature could do!! These Geodes&Nodules have many uses:Rock Gardens, etc. But are often broken open and "searched" for the crystals, etc. BE CAREFUL as the flying debris is sharp! Another quick warning:They are often called "Bombshells" around here and they can Explode when heated!
Take care and have the best of days!! Remember to enjoy nature daily and God Bless!