Mixed Lot Of 100 All Dc Marvel + A Comic Book Lot All Comics 1980 To 2017 High
SERIOUS BEST OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED, ESP. IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING MULTIPLE LOTS AND LET ME RESTATE THE MAJORITY OF THESE TITLES ARE THE A-LEVEL TITLES starring : Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men, etc + Dark Horse, IDW. And note, I will state these are the best random lots I have ever listed.
Each lot of 100 contains no duplicates within the specific lot, if you win multiple lots I will try my best to limit duplication of comic books. Superhero, etc 100 comics from DC and Marvel +++ + other publishers All comics will be from 1980 through the 2017. Please check out the pic (scan) this is the EXACT item you will receive! We will take great care in processing your order. It is the star system at the bottom of the feedback page.
PLEASE LEAVE US 5 STARS! It is very important to us. WE STRIVE FOR 5 STARS across the board :. Every single day new items listed, do not forget to check me out, you never know what you may miss!!